Sharing our news, practicing our letters and reading, letter formation and mark-making, making requests and Halloween themed oral language.
October has been all about number, ordering and counting using lots of concrete materials. We explored cause and effect as we mixed baking soda and vinegar to help our monster balloons expand.
The Arts
Making spooky decorations and weaving spiderwebs, exploring instruments and our voices with Sara and Niall, and visitors from Baboró.
Personal Care and Wellbeing
Preparing omelettes and flapjacks, using our Yes and No signs to talk about safe and unsafe scenarios, participating in P.E. and relaxing with our peers.
Communication, Language and Literacy
Communicating during our morning news and through play. Mark making and letter formation with multi-sensory materials.
Measuring our height, exploring time through our calendar and collecting data on our new class.
The Arts
Music and singing with Sara, Marble painting and collage as we made an artwork about our favourite things. Exploring our emotions through Drama.
Personal Care and Wellbeing
Preparing pizza, scrambled eggs on toast and apple crumble with apples from the school orchard.